While other teammates spent some time out at Trek Travel's Ride Camp in Solvang, I had chosen to try their camp in Mallorca, Spain instead.
Mallorca is a small island off the coast of mainland Spain. And, I'm sure I don't have to explain to any of you all, one of the world's road cycling meccas. It seems any given road at any time of the day is filled with hundreds of riders. And the climbing? Let's just say it is quite epic. One ride had us climbing up the side of a mountain overlooking the Mediterranean sea. Others took us up and over mountain tops climbing elevations of over 600 meters which converts to A LOT of feet. And the cars pretty much let the bikers rule the roads. I can see why many of the pro teams choose this spot for their training camps.
And Trek Travel plans it all for you. Guided, supported rides, 3 meals a day (with dinner being a 3 course meal), and 5 star accommodations. This, is how I want to put on a buncha miles and elevation - not having to think about anything while staying somewhere amazing.
Can't wait to see what routes and torture TT has for the remainder of the trip! I hear a Cat 1 climb is on tap for tomorrow. Ugh.
- Jennifer
Below find a link to Strava for one of the "shorter" rides of 50 miles that include a Cat 2 climb :
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