Monday, February 28, 2011

The Rocket has Landed

The team frames (Madone 5.5) have been delivered and are ready for distribution. They are currently being stored in Trek's legendary  Race Shop. Hopefully they've marinated long enough to soak in the good karma from the pro team bikes!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rapha Continental

In Austin at Mellow Johnny's...and I was able to catch the world premiere of the Rapha Continental Film...beautiful film with some nice imagery from our home state. It was incredibly well done and left a bunch us inspired to get back to Wisco...then we remembered there is still a ton of snow on the ground.

I will hang in Austin a little longer.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011



Can anyone touch that with a ten foot pole?
Looking forward to a couple months of fat conversion this spring, just like a bio-diesel.
Catch you on the downhill....

Friday, February 18, 2011

Deep February thoughts from Wiscoland


Resist the big ring if you can until April for sure, your knees will thank you in May...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Off to a Great Start

It's only Febuary, so most riders are far from thinking about racing. While there is not much outdoor racing this time of the year in the Midwest (unless you own XC skis), there are some indoor event in the area. I participated in the first MATTS Indoor Time Trial down in the Chicago area.

After pumping out some major wattage on the computrainer, I came away with a 1st place for the CAT 1/2's category. 1st race and 1st victory for the team. Hopefully this is a sign of good things to come for the rest of the season.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Handles at Maximum size for the Year


Different agendas, mine is sure to lag yours, all rides will be fun.....

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Zone 0. (that is a ZERO)

As far as lessons learned, 2010 was a tough year for me and my bike. We weren't as good of friends I was with my spreadsheets. But that is what new years resolutions are for. Looking back and making changes for the better.

As the inaugural post on the new Trek Midwest Team site, I have to lay claim that I am indeed racing and that the rollers and trainer are the main source of heat at our house. For all you disbelievers, bring it. (That is, bring it so I can suck a wheel from you on the first few rides.) Get on your bike!