Thursday, August 25, 2011

WCA Road Season Review

Hard to believe the road racing season has come to an end (especially with such nice ridings days still left!). The team had a good first year with Doug ("the season can't be over") Bailey winning the Wisconsin Cup Cat 3 series title, and two Wisconsin Cup series runner-ups, Shelley ("I am the women's team") Smith in the Women Cat 1/2 and Eric ("50+ here I come") Knuth in the Masters 1/2/3. We also had a couple Wisconsin Cup series Masters 3/4 top tens: Greg ("I didn't mean to win") Ferguson who escaped to China for fear that his early season success would attract too much attention and Jim ("this is easier than canoe racing") Merrifield. The team fared well at the State Championships too with podium places in the State time trial, Curtis ("TT") Bice and Eric Knuth, and in the State crit, Jim Merrifield. Finally, the Women's team (Shelley that is) captured third in the team competition and the Masters team took sixth (if only Barney and Greg had been racing all season ...). At the very least, the team looked good riding our matching Madones and the team kit received lots of compliments!

The team also had its share of mishaps during the season, with Barney ("what speed bump") Sheafor taking himself out of the whole road season with a broken collarbone during a training camp crash no less, Scott ("barrier, what barrier") Vogelman crashing on the Capital Square, David ("I've got that corner) Blomme taking a dive at Downer Ave, and most recently, Dale ("oh sh*t") Humphrey unable to avoid the pile up at Race the Lake. Thankfully all lived to race another day!

I am sure everyone is already looking forward to next year, but for now it's time to dust off the cross bikes and break out the cow bells!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely bummed to miss so much of the season.
    But cross is just around the corner!
