Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Too much Power!

Exciting day in Solvang. After stopping for a photo op in front of Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch (for Tom Hooyer, who is a big fan), Barney and I were sprinting for a city sign when his chain comes off, his foot comes unclipped, he falls down onto his top tube, and his feet are both now Fred Flinstoning down the street, but he manages to stay upright only to lose the sign sprint and cracks his top tube. Likely too much power in his sprint! Bummer!!


  1. What did Dirk say??? No big ring until April! See what happens...

    Sorry to hear about losing the sign sprint. Oh yeah, and about the frame; that's a big bummer too. Hopefully you're able to find a quick solution to salvage the time in Slovang!
