Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Great Dane Cat 3 Race Report

The first two crits are done for the year, and feeling pretty good so far...

Great Dane #1 - Very early in the race, the breaks started to form.  Two guys got up the road, I tried to bridge, but couldn't quite get there.  Luckily there was another break of 3 behind me, and the 4 of us ended working well together during the race.  One lap to go, one rider attacked.  I hung on his wheel while the others were dropped.  I take the first corner just on the inside of him, turn around, and I have a gap.  It's go time.  I use my time trial skills to increase the lead, easily finishing in 3rd (we never caught the 2 up the road).  This is my best crit result in years!

Great Dane #2 - After a good result the previous weekend, I was more interested in having fun and testing myself this race.  I attacked early and often, as did many others, but no breaks were able to form.  Between the wind, the small "hills" on the course, and the dynamics of the Cat 3 races, it is very often hard to get a break going.  2 laps to go, I look behind to see teammates Matt and David on my wheel, so I bring us up to the front of the field.  I hammer to string out the field and setup the sprint.  I look back with a 1/2 lap to go, David is gone, Matt is about 5 back, and I have a small gap from my hard effort.  I lead out into the last corner, and then let the sprinters do their work,  Matt holds on for a 6th place finish.  Nice work Matt.  Not a great result for me, but I was strong enough to stay near the front the entire race, launch attacks, and lead out the finish.  That's a sign of a good season to come.

Thanks for reading,

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