The last several weeks I've enjoyed my "down time". I've rode when I want, how I want, where I want. The rigors of "training" have relaxed and I've taken to more wandering rides and mountain bike excursions. I've had the chance to puase and reflect on my season since then and slowly I've come to appreciate the ride it was.
I wound up winning the points race for the WCA CAT 3 division; something I had set my goal this season. My other goal, to finish more consistently, didn't turn out as I had rarely does. I decided to put my statement on the rest of the CAT 3 field in the final NEW Wheeling Weekend to solidify and justify my holding of the first place position. Matt Kamphuis was there in the 3's for both days to assist me in my efforts. Day 1 in Manitowoc saw a basic 4 cornor course with only a slight hill but some pretty stiff winds. The other breaks earlier in the day had all been reeled in. Noticing the smaller field, Matt and I decided to keep our noses clean and out of the wind. There was a surge roughly 20 mins in that normally would have been barely noticble but with the wind a break soon formed. Matt found himself following a wheel who decided to stop pedaling just at the wrong time and joined a small group dangling as close as 30 meters but unable (or sometimes willing) to reconnect. I found myself unknowingly in the "winning break" of 8 or so guys.
I was feeling good, so good, in fact, that I talked a lot and gave several fake attacks just to see who was willing to cover and how people were feeling. I was sure of one thing, I felt good. Keeping near the front but out of the wind for the most part I slowly developed my plan- I would attack and attack would be late and I would win...I just didn't know how yet. Crossing the line for the start of the bell lap, all 8 riders were calm. The the attacks had stopped and we had just crawled around the past 2 or 3 laps. Just then, ahead of me, I noticed one of the faster guys talking with another my left another couple riders engaged in a discussion....yet another reaching for a bottle.....I didn't even think....I stood and shifted. I had rounded turn 1 and was full into the worst of the wind before I looked under my arm for a hint what I had done....I saw nothing; heard nothing. Fearing of being caught I never looked only pedaled and stayed low. I thought "this is nuts!" and thought of other times I'd done similar stunts and it failed in the final meters. I kept it on hard and I could feel the cramps that might end my shenanigans tinge in my legs. Rounding the final corner I finally was able to look back from where I just came from.....I saw no-one...the field hadn't even entered the back stretch; I'd succeeded. I sat up, did the jersey zip, had time to hear the congrats and raise both hands. It's the feeling I'd grown to love and not experienced enough of this year: winning. Any win is a success but this one was special, I'd done it and done it big. The long car ride home was filled with calls to family and friends to share my news. Home to rest, tomorrow's race would come quick.
The next day I was a little stiff, and little tired, but a whole lot of confident. I wasn't done and felt I had the legs to go again. I've learned my biggest strength is being in the right place at the right time. I would know it but lap 2 turned out to be the time on Sunday. A push from 2 other guys had me jumping and latching on. That jump would have us 3 working together holding back a charging field. Lap after lap I talked the younger and more nervous co-break riders through the course: head down! ease up! nail it. steady. We were getting fed the wrong times from spectators and my fear of getting caught never left....we didn't get caught and in fact, we caught the field....something I'd never done.
They say hind-sight is 20-20....for me, it is a year of wondering "what if". I worried to much about the other 2 guys in my break and gave the race away to them. I attacked just as we hit the back of the peloton. Yelling over to Matt, who was near the front of it, he chased up to me and pulled long enough for me to catch my breath. We slowed a bit and I hit it again hard. "I've got this" literally thought..."I'm going to double win" Crossing for the bell lap I still held.....but didn't know I had been chased that whole time and was caught soon after turn 2. I feel some 10 spots before merging in. There ahead of me was the worst site, 1 of my fellow break-away-ers some 5 spots above. Try as I might my sprint pulled me closer but not enough. I'd just got second but couldn't enjoy it; I knew better than that....I am better than that! This would take a while for me to digest.
The days wore by and slowly I forgot of the mistake I made and looked back at what I'd done. I'd just won the WCA and that was my goal for the season. It didn't happen at all how I envisioned it but rarely do things worth having work out how we wanted them to. I am fortunate to have the ability, the time, the resources, the bike, the family, and the team to help me realize this achievement. It is something I'll always have and look back on.
I've been mountain biking and racing lately. Last weekend I did my first WORS Comp race in 5 years and only my second race on a single speed. I WON my catagory and placed high overall. There was no pressure and I had fun doing it. Next weekend I take on my first Chequwamie....on a single speed.....again for the fun of it. I've decided that is my training goal for the season: Fun. cross, mtb, or hike the dogs!
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