Sunday, March 16, 2014

Rest/Rain Day Lunch and Aftermath

Rainy day today here in NC and nothing to do but catch up on reading, serving the web, and making fun of Greg.


  1. For some reason the rest of the posting text for each picture was not posted.

    PIC1: Greg's lunch - gotta love those beef sticks! I do not recall seeing that combination in Alan Lim's race food book!

    PIC2: And the aftermath of Greg's lunch!

  2. "serving" the web?
    don't you mean "surfing" the web
    beach boy?

  3. No "serving" as I was serving up a bit of humor at your expense!

  4. well, since you're "serving"
    wanna grab me another V8?!

  5. Since we are literally about 3 feet away from each other typing comments back and forth, you could have just asked me to get you another V8 (which for anyone reading, which is unlikely, is really just "code" for another local brew!).

  6. caught!
    Pisgah Brewing Pale Ale - not the same as V8, but just as good!

  7. Now onto the Foothills Jade IPA - per Dale's recommendation - although it is not even 4 pm!
