Thursday, April 28, 2016


Teammates Diane and Mike got married Sat April 23rd.   The Fast and Furious Crit was Sun April 24.

During our TMT Masters 50 + pre-race strategy ( there are 8 of us ! ) and beer night,  Life Coach John Riley (Dr J) and El Capitan Eric figured it was highly unlikely that I’d be able to show up to race the day after the wedding.  They each put up 10$ that I would not be there.    During Saturday evening and when the Sunday plans became the topic of conversation, the option of me racing came up.  After an initial look of death from Diane, followed by some discussion, her only requirement was I had to be hung over. No problem meeting that requirement and Dr J and El Capitan are paying up.

The WCA Masters 50 + races have already had some serious good talent and racing happening.    TMT is in a great position with up to 8 guys in the 50+ towing the starting line.  We have been aggressive and managed to be in every break and have had come away with some decent results.  At the end of 5 races, we have one win, a second, and a couple of 4ths.   El Capitan is leading the overall series,  the Honeymooner is in 4th , and Ferguson in 5th.

TMT 50+ are far from hitting our potential but are starting to get our strategy and tactics worked out – and actually putting some of them into play which makes racing a whole lot of serious fun.   Look out this weekend and LAX !


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Trek Midwest Grinds Gravel At Dairy Roubaix

(L-R)Glen Jones, Kari Myrland, Amanda Mack, April Beard, Josh McKinney

The Trek Midwest team made the short journey to Prarie du Chien for a beautiful Saturday of riding gravel. The temperature was predicted to almost hit 80 degrees and it did. The team was well represented and fun was had by all through the rolling hills of the ride and hanging out in the parking lot to share stories afterwards.

Amanda Mack laying down the pain. (L-R) April Beard, Diane Schlipper, Amanda Mack