Thursday, August 28, 2014

Green Mountain Stage Race - Prerace Prep

After a "nice" 20 hour drive, we arrived in Vermont, unloaded the trailer full of bikes, and started the race preparations.

First order of business was recovery fluids - we arrived in Warren (site of the time trial course) just in time to pick up our quota of Lawson's Double Sunshine IPA (one of the top rated IPAs in the country, brewed right there in Warren!) as they sell out of it shortly after the morning delivery. We also managed to get out an pre-ride the time trial course and part of the road race course.

There are also some unusual sights to be viewed in VT too - for example, Diane spotted the zebra in the picture below - who knew zebras lived in VT!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Green Mt Stage Race Bound

Several TMT members (Eric, Mike, Diane, Lisa, and Amanda as well as 2 non-TMT friends) are heading east to do the Green Mt Stage Race in VT over Labor Day weekend. Four of us went last year and had so much fun we are heading back again this year. We have a trailer full of bikes packed and ready to hit the road - hopefully Mike, Eric, and Diane are ready for 20 hours of fun car time together!

The race seems to draw a lot of really strong riders, and this year is no exception as it looks like Mike and Eric will have their work cut out for them as the Hammer team is bringing a stacked team!  But with Mike on the team, we have no worries!